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Our Beliefs

What do we believe?

Our Beliefs

Before outlining our beliefs, we want to say that we seek to be a community that's welcoming to everyone. You don't have to agree with everything, or anything, written below to be welcome at our church. This isn't because we don't think that what we believe is important. It is. Our beliefs help root, shape, and guide us. 

It's not a lack of convictions that leads us to be welcoming but rather the content of our convictions that does so.

After all, a community that believes things like - all people, including those who may not share our beliefs, are made in the image of God and that we're redeemed solely by God's grace - should be a community marked by winsomeness, welcome, and respect.

With that said, we affirm that though our church is new, our beliefs are not. We wholeheartedly embrace a robust, historic Christianity that flows from the Scriptures and has been expressed by faithful believers throughout the centuries.

With Christians across the ages and around the world, we affirm the foundational beliefs expressed in three ancient creeds:

We stand in the tradition of the 16th century reformers who affirmed that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, according to the Scriptures for the glory to God alone. Our beliefs are faithfully expressed today by the Converge statement of faith.

If you have any questions, or want more information about our church or what we believe, please contact us!

Christ Church is part of a movement of churches called Converge.